Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sinking Sand

This post is intended to be an answer to the following :

The sand is sinking,
The sinking sand is sinking,
You sink with the sinking sand,
I give my hand and I sink with you in the sinking sand
I try to pull you towards land
And you push yourself into the sinking sand
You call out no one, you stand on the sinking sand
You look for no hand, you breathe in the sinking sand
You pull me towards the sinking sand
This sinking sand is in you, It is You
You are your own sinking sand
You pull me and I become my sinking sand
I try and try to pull, but the sand is sinking
It pushes me further in
You stand there and watch me sinking 
You sink with me in your sinking sand
The sinking sand engulfs me
The sinking sand engulfs you
The sand is sinking everywhere 
There is no land, there is no water
Its only a mirage
It has always been an oasis
The sinking sand sinks us
We sink in our sinking sand.


  1. Contest of the Day:- Count number of times the word "Sinking Sand" has been used in the entire blog :)....winner gets to go on a date with Urvashi Srivastava :D

  2. tell us wot takes to date the two hotties together:) if its about counting I can re-count everything in this blog..:))
